Wednesday 21 July 2010

Lesson 4 Adjectives Quiz and Presentations

Good afternoon!
Your task will be:
Post a review of one of the other groups presentations.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Lesson 3 Characteristics of a Great Entrepreneur

Here is the task:
1. Write the post answering the question "Do you agree with the results of the test?" Explain. (max .150 words)

Also you can visit VoiceThread and listen to your groupmates' comments once again.
Here are the links to "Skills of Great Entrepreneurs" video which we watched in class and to additional video about Richard Branson "Eye to Eye: Richard Branson (CBS News)".

Lesson 2 "Entrepreneurs"

Hello there!
Some tasks for you:
1. Read your groupmates' posts and respond to at least one of them.
2. Post impressions on the video "Entrepreneurs can change the world" in your blog.

Also you can listen to the song "Last Dead Mouse" and read the lyrics here.

Lesson 1 "Adjectives"

Good day to all of you!
Here are your tasks:
1. Edit your profile adding personal information and inserting your photo.
2. Create your own blog
3. Publish the post inroducing youself (use 2 positive and 2 negative adjectives to describe your character) max. 150 words.